The following letter was published in this week’s issue of the Gazette.
To the editor:
SOS (Shiny Object Syndrome) is an affliction of most politicians. It is hard to resist just as a fish chases a shiny lure, so do our public officials. Croton-on-Hudson seems to be the easiest catch.
The Municipal Skate Park which was a failure cost the Village over $100K was the first cast and we chased the lure.
Better yet Gouveia Park (the one where nobody goes) was dressed in a bright shiny outfit with a multi colored hula skirt and it was FREE! How could the Village resist? (It was a bit of an inside deal among friends). This one was swallowed hook, line and sinker. We now own 17 acres of land that can’t be developed with a decaying building that will cost tens of thousands of dollars to rehab to ADA standards, which will serve only a small minority of residents and remain a continuous drain on Village resources. Not to mention the lost tax revenue.
The big fish! Croton Point Avenue (CPA), the fish Spencer Tracy caught in the “Old Man and the Sea”. This was a classic! If the Village agrees to put in bike paths and sidewalks, we’ll give you a grant and the taxpayers will only have to kick in $300K. Sounds good right? Sure, bike paths for about 30 residents who ride to the station for about four months of the year weather permitting in a village of 8,000 residents. What a deal! We took the bait and the current estimates put residents on the hook for about $3 million for the project.
Well folks, like Kenny Rodgers said, “You gotta know when to fold ‘em”. It’s time to give back the ante and walk away. This project is a loser and if pursued will show up in your taxes before you know it.
By the way, if you want to fish in Croton, cast your lures when the Dems are in control. You’ll catch your limit in no time at all.
Bob Anderson