Croton United

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There They Go Again!

The following letter was published in this week’s issue of the Gazette.

To the Editor,
There they go again! The Gouveia property makes news again to the tune of $750K. The Democratic board had to have this property about five years ago, they just had to have it. It seemed to be an inside deal at the time and it was opposed by many in the Village, including me. The Board said the one million dollar endowment could be invested at 5% and we would have numerous events to make it a moneymaker. The investment plan did not come to fruition and there have been no events of consequence and no revenue.

So here we are again. I think the endowment has been spent. The burden of this project will come back to the taxpayers. This property has been nothing but a financial sinkhole and it will get worse if these improvements go forward.

Here is my problem. We are a village of 8,000 people and about 2,800 households with a budget of $19 million and outstanding debt over $30 million, which costs us almost two million dollars a year to service.

The parking lot revenue is substantially reduced as is the sales tax revenue and the parking lot may never recover. Mayor Pugh recently balked at the cost of $16,000 to relocate the dog park citing the village’s shaky financial situation, and yet he and the board are willing to spend more money on the Gouveia property. This to me is insane and irresponsible and a disservice to the residents.

Village taxes went up almost 2% last year and my school taxes and probably yours have gone up 3.5%. Why on earth would you start another project for $750K in this climate? The Police expansion is projected to be about  $4 million dollars if you can believe the numbers. The only way to support these projects is by taking on more debt and increasing taxes, which I believe many residents would not favor.

I’d like to see a quick study done to see how much it would cost to raze the building and construct a large pavilion like we have at Senasqua park. Perhaps then maybe the park would be used by the residents. Right now it sits virtually empty all the time silently draining dollars from the budget.

Speak up! Say something! Do something or else you will pay.

Bob Anderson